

The average daytime temperature in March is 23°C (73°F), and the average minimum nighttime temperature is around 10°C (49°F). The average relative humidity is 57%.

March is an ideal time to enjoy everything that the Kathmandu Valley has to offer.


The average temperature in Namche Bazaar in March for a typical day ranges from a high of 6°C (42°F) to a low of -8°C (18°F).

The average low in Namche Bazaar (11,290 feet/3440 meters), an essential stop on the Everest Base Camp (EBC) trek, is 35°F (2°C), and the average high is 12°C (53°F). Temperatures at higher altitudes will be lower.

March heralds the arrival of spring in Nepal, and tourism begins to pick up as the days get warmer too. Wildflowers, in particular brilliant pink rhododendrons, burst into bloom on the hillsides, and the days start to get longer.


The trekking seasons of April–May and October–November are the best times to visit Lawudo.

Our guide Amber says: There can be snow so it is good to be prepared for cold temperatures that could, in the extreme case, reach below freezing, for example, -10°C (14°F).

Read more about what to pack here

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