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Join Ven. Tenzin Gendun for our fifth edition of a fifteen-day Himalayan adventure in Spring, from March 18 to April 1, 2024 – from Kopan, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s monastery in the Kathmandu valley, to his cave in Solu Khumbu in the mountains of Nepal. The US$2,485 package includes a US$500 donation to Lawudo, internal flights, teachings, food and accommodation.

Our three treks so far have offered some $91,000 to Lawudo, half of it for ongoing expenses and the other half for Rinpoche’s amazing plan to build a replica of Guru Rinpoche’s Pure Land at Lawudo.


March 18 — April 1, 2024


From Kopan Monastery to Lawudo Gompa and back.



The cost of US$2,485 includes:

  • US$500 donation to Lawudo. This is based on a minimum of 9 participants. If there are less than 23 trekkers, the donation to Lawudo will be less.
  • Airport transfers
  • Internal flights
  • Daily teachings and meditation with Ven Gendun
  • Food: all meals except on Day 15, when you can buy your own lunch
  • Double room, with attached bathroom, at Kopan
  • Double room, with shared bathroom, during the trek 
  • Two- or four- person rooms, with shared toilet, at Lawudo
  • Double room, with attached bathroom, at the Hyatt Regency

An extra US$360 for a single room includes:

  • Single room, with attached bathroom, at Kopan Monastery
  • Single room, with shared bathroom, at the lodges during the trek. First come, first served
  • Single room, with attached bathroom, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kathmandu
  • Read more about accommodation here

The cost does not include:

  • Passport
  • Visa. Read more about visas here
  • Roundtrip airfare from your country to Kathmandu
  • Emergency medical and evacuation insurance is compulsory. Please send us a copy of your insurance policy no later than one month prior to the trek starting date. Read more about travel insurance here
  • Lunch on Day 5 and Day 15
  • Helicopter flights


Register for your place on the trek here.


Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche was born in Thami, near the Everest Region of Nepal, in 1945. At the age of three he was recognised as the reincarnation of the Lawudo Lama, Kunsang Yeshe. From 1956 to 1959 he studied at Domo Monastery in Tibet. He then fled Chinese oppression and continued his study and practice in Tibetan refugee camps in India. There Rinpoche met  Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935–1984).

They met their first Western students in the late 1960s and Lama eventually established what is now Kopan Monastery in the Kathmandu valley. The annual November Lam Rim courses attracted students from all the over the world.

In 1974 the lamas accepted the invitation of their students to teach in Australia, the USA, and Europe, and a year later Lama Yeshe named his burgeoning network of centres the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.

Rinpoche is now the Spiritual Director of the FPMT, overseeing more than 160 centres and related activities in 30 countries.

Read more at:


Ordained since the late 1970s, Ven Robina Courtin has worked full time since then for her gurus Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s. Over the years, she has served as editorial director of Wisdom Publications, editor of Mandala Magazine, executive director of Liberation Prison Project, and as a touring teacher of Buddhism.

An award-winning film by her nephew Amiel Courtin-Wilson, Chasing Buddha documents her life as well as her work with prisoners. She is one of the subjects of Vicki Mackenzie’s book Why Buddhism? and a film by Christine Lundberg, On the Road Home.

Read more at:

I'm so delighted to lead this trek, and to raise funds for the development of Lawudo and, in particular, Rinpoche's vision of Guru Rinpoche's Pure Land.


Originally from Sri Lanka, Ven. Gendun grew up and studied in the UK where he graduated with a degree in fine art. While traveling in India in the early 90s, he was inspired by Tibetan Buddhism and ordained soon after meeting the teachings. He went on to serve in FPMT centers in New Zealand before settling at Nalanda Monastery to do the FPMT study programs.

Since finishing retreat, he has recently started teaching and guiding retreats in Europe and in other centers around the world.

Being an old friend of Ven. Robina Courtin‘s, she asked Ven. Gendun to lead the next Lawudo Trek, and he happily agreed.

I’m excited to return to Lawudo since my first visit in 1996! And, I’m delighted to pay back the kindness of Rinpoche by supporting the centre and Rinpoche’s Pure Land Project by leading this trek.


Amber Tamang is from a small village in the Solu Khumbu region of Nepal. He became a porter in 1992, to put himself though high school and college; he graduated as a lawyer. Amber is the Managing Director of Three Jewels Adventures, a trekking business. He is an advocate of better working conditions for trekking staff.

Amber has worked as the local guide for Dharma Journeys pilgrimages with Ven Robina since 2001. Those who’ve traveled with him praise his patience and kindness. He is very knowledgeable about local customs of the Himalaya and its people. Amber and his family live in Kathmandu.

KRISTINA MAH, Trek Organiser

Based in Sydney, Australia, I have been a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche since 2014 when I attended the Lam Rim November course at Kopan Monastery. It was during this course that I first heard about Lawudo from my tutor Venerable Thubten Gyatso.

Since then, I have tried to maintain a strong connection with my teachers and the FPMT community. I met Venerable Robina in early 2016, at a weekend workshop at Vajrayana Institute in Sydney, and the Lawudo Trek grew from there.

The idea of this trek was quite simply to travel with a group of open-minded and inspired people to Rinpoche’s cave and raise money for Lawudo Gompa, its carers and community. This trek is not run through a company; it is the result of the hard work of a few people who have generously offered their time and services to make it happen.

Thank you Venerable Robina Courtin, Amber Tamang and all the FPMT centres and groups who share our information with their communities.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to organise this trek. May this trek be a fulfilling and beneficial experience for all.

Looking forward to meeting you,


2022 Lawudo Trek Slideshow

This video tells the story our fourth and most recent Lawudo Trek, from October 3 – 19, 2022. 

2019 Lawudo Trek Slideshow

This video tells the story our third Lawudo Trek, from March 21 to April 4, 2019. 


Sponsor a Sangha Member

We are delighted to launch the Lawudo Trek Sangha Fund to support ordained members of the Sangha to attend the Lawudo Trek. 

As a sponsor, your name will be presented to Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Ven Robina. 

You can make your secure donation to the LT Sangha Fund by making your offering here, to the right. All the donations collected through this portal will be offered to sangha to assist with the cost of the trek. If you would like to make a donation using an alternate method. Please email so we can make arrangements.

Donate to sponsor a member of the sangha here.

Monks and nuns are welcome to apply for a special discount as we have funds available. Send an email with your expression of interest to  

Ven Chödrön and Ven Robina at breakfast in Monjo. Ven. Chödrön led meditation at Lawudo Gompa and shared her experience of being part of the Sangha with the group.